How to Protect Your Home From Bushfires

Bushfires can be very dangerous if they start on your property, as these fires can spread quickly and block off your means of escape, and also block off the route of emergency services. Bushfires can also make their way into your home and cause extensive property damage. Note a few simple but important tips for protecting your home from bushfire damage, and for doing what you can to keep such a fire from starting and spreading.

Cleaning the property

Brushfires thrive on dry brush, grass, hay, and other such combustible materials, so do an inventory of your property and it's condition. If there are low-hanging tree branches that are dry or outright dead, trim these as needed. If leaves tend to gather on your property and then dry out, rake them up or use a mulching mower that will cut them very small, so that they biodegrade faster. Ensure there is room between trees, vegetation, and your home, so that a fire cannot easily move from one to the other. Keep the lawn well-watered as needed.


A lightning strike, or even hot, direct sunlight in summertime, can ignite dry leaves, twigs, and other debris on your home's roof. Be sure you clean the home's gutters as often as needed, and give the roof a power washing, to remove this debris from between roofing tiles and shingles.

You might even consider having the roof painted a light colour, as this will keep it cool and reduce the risk of hot sunlight igniting dry debris. Leaf guards can also keep leaves from settling into the gutters, so they don't create a fire hazard.

Protecting the home

One of the best ways to protect your home from having a brushfire spread to its interior is to install brushfire screens on the windows and doors. These screens are specially designed to stop embers from flying into the home, thereby igniting a fire inside. Brushfire screens will usually have hinges on one side, so they can be opened  easily in the event of an emergency.

It's also good to consider having aluminium doors and windows installed; these are very fire-resistant and won't feed a flame, as does wood. Aluminium can be powder coated any colour you choose, if you're concerned about the industrial appearance of a metal door or window frames. It's also very lightweight, so it can be a good choice even for older homes with weakened frames that cannot support heavy windows and doors. For more information, contact companies likeAction Glass & Aluminium.
